
点击:    日期:2022-03-22






Email: wang.yong06@sdu.edu.cn

20122016年期间,在欧盟Erasmus博士奖学金支持下在法国国家科学中心(CNRS)从事p型氧化物半导体薄膜的反应溅射生长机制、光电性能和电子结构的研究。20162017年,在环境友好能源材料国家重点实验室(西南科技大学)开展氮元素在氧化物半导体中的缺陷形式及其对光电性能的影响机制等方面的研究。20182020年,在日本国立物质材料研究所(NIMS)的国际青年科学家中心(ICYS)开展独立研究,主要探索新型低成本氮化物半导体薄膜的缺陷特性。到目前为止,在Phys. Rev. BAppl. Phys. Lett.Acta Mater.等期刊发表论文20余篇,他引500余次,单篇最高他引100余次。


1.Y. Wang,T. Ohsawa, X. Meng, F.Alnjiman, J.F. Pierson,N. Ohashi.Suppressing the carrier concentration of zinc tin nitride thin films by excess zinc content and low temperature growth. Applied Physics Letters 115(2019) 232104.

2.Y. Wang,T. Ohsawa, Y. Kumagai, K. Harada, F. Oba, and N. Ohashi.Achieving non-degenerate Zn3N2thin films by near room temperature sputtering deposition. Applied Physics Letters115(2019) 092104.Editor’s Pick.

3.Y. Wang, J. Ghanbaja, P. Boulet, D. Horwat, J.F. Pierson.Growth, interfacial microstructure and optical properties of NiO thin films with various types of texture,Acta Materialia 164(2019) 648.

4.Y. Wang, H.X. Ge, Y.P. Chen, X. Meng, J. Ghanbaja, D. Horwat, J.F. Pierson.Wurtzite CoO: a direct band gap oxide suitable for photovoltaic absorber, Chemical Communications 54(2018) 13949.

5.Y. Wang, J. Ghanbaja, D. Horwat, L. Yu, J.F. Pierson. Nitrogen chemical state in N-doped Cu2O thin films, Applied Physics Letters110 (2017) 131902.

6.Y. Wang, S. Lany, J. Ghanbaja, Y. Fagot-Revurat, Y.P. Chen, F. Soldera, D. Horwat, F. Mücklich, J.F. Pierson. Electronic structure of Cu2O, Cu4O3and CuO: a joint experimental and theoretical study, Physical Review B 94 (2016) 245418.



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